5 Appealing Things You Do That Can Make Men Commit

make him commit

So, I’m going to reveal a secret that will enlighten you about what men find extremely attractive about women and what you can do that can make men commit. Let me start with the basic. Basis the research done by the women, here’s the two categories in which men can be divided into –

#1 is the dream guy usually not found even with the lantern in under the full moon. He is completely in love with his girlfriend, more precisely, to bits and pieces — he treats her like a princess born to be loved and pampered to extremes. And like I said, a rare find. So, if you have already found the guy, this article might not really help you but will surely make you smile.

#2 is the kind of guy who can be found anywhere even in the darkness waiting to be found. So, basically the species that doesn’t really care— he is apparently not happy being in the relationship.  He behaves as if his girlfriend is the burden he just can’t wait to dispose off.

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Now, having said that, I would like to further acquaint you of the fact that while it might appear that #2 are the ones with lion’s share, however, the statistics suggest otherwise. As per a study done in 2013, it was found that 95 percent of men openly admit to commitment. But here’s the catch, the views on commitment differ.

So, brace yourself before I introduce you with a harsh reality.

When he says, “I’m just not ready for a relationship right now,” what he actually means is, “I’m just not ready for a relationship with you.” This implies the moment he meets someone he thinks is his cup of coffee, he’s going to break his commitment code because he doesn’t want to risk losing her. Well, so far, you might have understood that men are not commitment freaks but they have a code that needs to be broken.  Don’t worry! Let me solve the puzzle for you.

Mentioned below are the five things you need to know
to make a guy commit his love for you


1. Give Him Respect, He Needs It

Respect is a strong virtue. It has the power to re-ignite a relationship long after the flame of love and lust has sputtered. Many many tend to fall for woman who respects them over the one who loves him.

You need to figure out the good things in your man and realize why you respect him and express the same to him. Men, unlike women, are not really flattered by words. I mean, they do like to hear them but words don’t sing to their souls.

5 Appealing Things You Do That Can Make Men Commit

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2. Let Him Want To Desire You

Ladies, isn’t this exactly what we want? Men are not as contrasting as you deem them to be. They are humans and humans crave to be desired. Desire is the game of opposites. Make him desire for you. Kiss him unexpectedly, give him lustful stares and leave him wanting more for you. He’ll crave you and then he catches you; he’ll lust for you and then you’ll surrender to him. It’s the creating and the release of tension over and over again.

5 Appealing Things You Do That Can Make Men Commit


3. Allow Him To Feel Secured

Men too, like to lay down their psychological shields and relax, but it doesn’t happen often. You need to allow him to feel secured around your presence. You need to give him space where he can show his vulnerable side to you. This can happen only when you can trust each other. Tell him that you won’t become judgmental about his choices or actions. Tell him that you’ll stand up for him even when others won’t.

5 Appealing Things You Do That Can Make Men Commit

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4. Men Love Challenges. So, Challenge Him!

Men love challenges. Let me repeat. Men, simply, love challenges! Men are competitive and they take challenge as the path to attain success. This requires you to confront him when you think he’s wrong and not letting him fall when he’s right. Even the very thought of you being able to confront her, challenges him.

5 Appealing Things You Do That Can Make Men Commit


5. Let Him Feel Awe And Wonder

If you can keep a man happy, he will never leave you. So, the final step is learning how to keep your man happy. First thing that you need to understand here is, be yourself. Act crazy, but not insane. You know dipping in the ocean is good, but faking your own kidnapping because he’s been working too late is not.

5 Appealing Things You Do That Can Make Men Commit

So, now that you are familiar with all the tips and tricks, what are you waiting for? Love him like you do!

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