Here’s Why Bragging About Yourself Is Good For You

By Freepik


Often people who criticize your choices are the same people who don’t know the price you paid to get to where you are today.  They, perhaps, are there to pull you back each time you tend to take a step forward. The truth is they are always going to be there but the question that needs to be answered is for how long are you going to let them impact you.
You have to make your own place in the crowd, and that implies you have to take a strong stand for yourself. You have to believe in yourself and sometimes you even have to brag a little to make your way up the ladder. Here’s why bragging about yourself is good for you.

Sometimes you just have to create your own Sunshine!

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As they say, “When it comes to luck, you make your own.” This article is concerned with the way you should present yourself and will ultimately answer the question – Why should you brag about yourself?

A recent study at Brown University revealed that individuals who consider themselves of above-average ability are perceived as more competent than those who remain humble. This adds to the reason why you should brag about yourself.

Bragging About Yourself

Although, it is pretty decent to hesitate while boasting but here’s how it works. Exactly as your muscles tend to shrink when you don’t use them or your flexibility decreases when you remain motionless, similarly the less you use your intellectual muscle to put across positive reflections of yourself to others, you are less likely to discover your full potential and true self over time.

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You need to share with people the reasons they should appreciate you for, else they would not get an opportunity to learn and appreciate wholly your skills and potential, which implies only a fewer people benefit from the contributions you can make.

Despite these possibilities, you might still feel afraid of falling or getting bruised. You still may feel simply starting to boast freely is just too much of a leap. So, let me share with you a story.

Once upon a time, there was a mother and her daughter. The girl had a test in her college, which she effectively led in the entire class. She got home and patted herself to which her mother responded, “Be Careful … You might break your arm.” Though this was a different angle on which her mother typically delivered the encouraging words, the girl did not think much and quickly replied, “Who other than I knows better than what I did in the class?”

Bragging About Yourself


Here’s what is likely to happen when you boast about yourself, of course, for a sensible reason. The probable benefits of bragging are:

  • You tend to find a greater sense of delight in being yourself. You start accepting yourself for the way you are and for the way people you aspire to be.
  • People start recognizing you more for whom you are and what you offer. For instance, remember that facebook friend of yours who updated almost everything about herself and how you thought she was able to pull off such attention? Well, now you know!

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  • You tend to find your “true people” in life as the ones who truly appreciate your real self and accept your behavioral changes are the ones needed.
  • You increase confidence and faith in your realest self. You experience a sense of comfort and calmness in being yourself.
  • With increased levels of confidence, you are able to deepen your ability to contribute to others

When you develop this kind of change, you would come across many people who expect you to be modest and not boastful. Nevertheless, tooting your own horn, particularly, by women, is well thought-out as socially unacceptable by most people.

Bragging About Yourself

But as long as you are able to believe in yourself and find ways that help you create your own luck, why look at the cons?

Stay Positive & Strive Hard!

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