How To Lose Belly Fat with 5 Detox Drinks

how to lose belly fat
How To Lose Belly Fat

We drooled over Deepika’s flat tummy when she swooned in that LOVELY song of the YEAR. Me , you and everyone was envious of the lady for having that perfect waistline and the way she flaunted it nearly made our hearts rush. I know you must be thinking, Ohh that is pure hard work (read hard work out) and surely it is. But what if I say that there exist cheat sheets to get that flaunting tummy without making your muscles ache? Yes Ladies, and that is possible and we know that method by the name of detoxification. So here we come with a solution of how to lose your belly fat easily.

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Following a detox diet is an excellent way to cleanse your body and load it with the nutrients and vitamins needed to make you glow inside out. Here we put the 5 super easy recipes of detoxifying drinks which will not only help you to lose your belly fat but will also make your skin shine. Plus point – Super easy to make, won’t cost you a bomb and no sore muscles!  Win Win situation!!

Here Is The Mantra of How To Lose Belly Fat with 5 Detox Drinks 

1. Magic Water

What’s better than clear water infused with goodness of cucumbers and freshness of mint? It will give you much needed freshness and will flush out the toxins from your body.

how to lose belly fat
All you need:
1 sliced cucumber
1 sliced lemon
1 bunch of fresh mint leaves
1 liter water
Mix them all together in a pitcher and let them steep in overnight and tada !! You are done. You can add ginger for extra freshness.

2. Apple and cinnamon delight

Negligible amount of calories and maximum amount of benefits.

how to lose belly fat

Thing you’ll need:
1 Green Apple
1 tsp of Cinnamon powder
1 tsp of Honey
1 liter water
Throw all the ingredients in blender and sip it for surpassing those snacks hunger pangs.

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3. Gorgeous Green Juice

Yeah I know you hate green leafy things and you don’t wanna me to say that your mommy was right. But darling she was. Don’t trust me? Try this recipe and you’ll be amazed.

how to lose belly fat
You need:
1 Bunch of Spinach
1 Avocado
1 bunch of celery
1 Sliced lemon
Grind them together, strain and add some chilled water. Girl you are sorted.

4. Ayurvedic Style

This one is my personal favorite. This may appear like daddi maa ka nuskha but it really works.

how to lose belly fat

All You Need:
1 tsp of cumin seeds
1 tsp of Fennel seeds
1 tsp of coriander seeds
1 tsp of turmeric
1 tsp of honey
Boil all the things in a pot of water except honey. Let it cool down, strain and add honey. You have got your own ayurvedic drink.

5. Amla and Aloevera Drink

A never can go wrong recipe. You definitely need to try this one because results are amazing.

how to lose belly fat

All you need to do is take equal amounts of Amla and Aloevera juices, add some water in it and drink it as first thing in the morning. You will be able to see the difference in the matter of days. This drink will definitely help you to lose your belly fat.

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These were our top picked up favorites. You got some more Ideas ? Leave us comments below.