Reasons Why Lazy People Are The Smartest Of All

lazy people are the smartest

“I’ll always choose a lazy person to do a difficult job because he’ll find an easy way to do it.” – Bill Gates

Even Bill Gates agree to it! But our very own people do not. Sad ya! Our parents shout at us, and have complains that we don’t have any track of time. In fact not only parents, it is like everybody says that. We’re too slow, we keep on dreaming, we sleep a lot, we eat and sleep and there’s nothing good we do in the entire day, we don’t WORK!
Haven’t we been listening to all this for quite a while now? Well, yes! And now, it’s time to prove it to them that these things actually make us the SMARTEST of all!

Yes! Lazy People are the smartest of all. Read Why ?

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1. We Assign Work Tasks Like A Natural-Born Leader

Reasons Why Lazy People Are The Smartest Of All

Owing to the fact that we would never want to do a certain task on our own, we are born with the leadership traits. We know how to get the things done that too with perfection.

2. Things Like “Dressers” And “Closets” Are Completely Useless To Us

Reasons Why Lazy People Are The Smartest Of All

I always wonder, why we need a closet when we already have such a large room. Ahh! Unnecessary Space takers.

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3. We Don’t Expend Any More Energy Than Necessary

Reasons Why Lazy People Are The Smartest Of All

We know the importance of energy saving better than most people. We are always on ‘Energy-Saving’ Mode. Wow!

4. We Know All The Shortcuts By Heart

Reasons Why Lazy People Are The Smartest Of All

Since we are always running late, we know all the shortcuts by heart. And so, hell yeah, we are so cool!

5. Damn, We Are Best At Everything

Reasons Why Lazy People Are The Smartest Of All

We have access to smartest applications, technologies, tools, products, and of course ideas to do things at the last minute.

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Absolute laziness brings out the best quality, truly said. Waiting for someone to turn on the fan, watching a boring channel till someone hands the remote, lying hungry for hours, holding the pee, etc., we can handle things to the extreme levels until it is terribly necessary.

And you thought being lazy is easy? Damn, it takes a lot to be the Smartest of all!