7 Reasons For A Late Period Other Than Pregnancy

Image source: pixabay.com

A delayed period cycle makes you uncomfortable, stressed out and anxious. The constant thinking about what went wrong and the urge for it to occur as quickly as possible is what we want. Most women usually have a period cycle of 28 days and a healthy menstrual cycle is of 21 days. Stressed about missing on a few days of your periods and the cycle being delayed? Don’t freak out, there are many more reasons for a delayed period cycle other than pregnancy.

Here is a rundown of reasons your monthly visitor could be delayed

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1. Stress 

The most common reason of all is stressing. Stressing out and worrying can mess with your hormones and brain that can lead to changes in the body and hence, contributing to the reasons of a delayed cycle.

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Source: pixabay.com

2. Excessive exercising

Vigorous exercising and working out leads to less production of estrogen in the body that results in a delayed menstrual cycle.

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Source: pixabay.com

3. Illness

Being sick and unwell can change the metabolism of the body. Even a small cold might result in delayed periods and stop the flow. Don’t stress out. It will show up as soon as you feel well.

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Source: pixabay.com

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4. Weight fluctuations

Gained or lost weight recently? Excessive weight loss can lead to a dip in estrogen release and similarly gaining weight suddenly makes your body release more of estrogen. This results in unstable ovulating and might result in irregular menstrual cycles.

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Source: pixabay.com

5. Variations in the schedule

Changes in the daily routine like staying up till late at night, skipping meals and travelling can bring about changes in your hormones and throw you off of your period cycle for a few days.

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Source: pixabay.com

6. Medication

Over dose of medicines can hamper your period cycle. Taking medicines like morning pills, hormonal pills, contraceptives etc can result in delayed periods.

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Source: pixabay.com

7. Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS)

It is a condition in the body where there is an unbalanced hormone production. The condition causes a cyst to develop on the ovaries preventing regular ovulation. This results in irregular period cycle or delayed menstrual flow.

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Source: pixabay.com

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Any other reasons ? Do tell us in comments.