Do you stay awake till 3 a.m. constantly looking for ways to sleep better? You switch sides and divert your thoughts but your mind won’t settle down to sleep. A good sleep of 7-8 hours makes your body fresh and all set for the next day. Our everyday chaotic lives have resulted in less and improper sleep. The stress and the anxiety about the next day is what keeps most of us awake at times. There can be multiple other factors that affect our dosing off pattern and to overcome them, we have tips that will help you improve your sleep.
Here Is A List Of Ways That Can Help You
Dose Off Better
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1. Power off
Put away tablets, phones, television and other electronics. The notifications and alerts on our gadgets is what keeps us awake.

2. Avoid caffeine and alcohol
Avoid drinking coffee, alcohol and other items that contain caffeine before going to bed.They interfere in your sleeping pattern and keep you awake.

3. Work on the environment
Dim the lights and cut down on any kind of noise for a better sleep. Dimming the lights helps the brain to produce melatonin, hormone that brings about sleep.

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4. Nip-napping
Avoid sleeping for long hours during the day time. Try short naps of an hour to recharge yourself for the day.

5. Exercise at the right time
Exercise early in the morning instead of exercising at night. Keeping an early morning exercising schedule helps your body and mind dose of better.

6. Eat light
Don’t eat heavy and greasy food items at night. Keep your meal light and eat it at least two hours before you throw yourself on the bed.

7. Pre-sleep routine
Practice a routine before sleeping. You may take a bath that results in drowsiness, read a book or indulge in some relaxation exercises before you go to bed.

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