8 Things You Will Totally Get If You Are A Gemini Woman

gemini woman
Source: pexels.com

Dear Gemini woman, a very happy birthday month to you! You are the most interesting and free spirited creature of the zodiac world. You allude strength and independence in whatever you do. With the twins being your zodiac symbol, you have the aura of two personalities merged in one. People love your presence and enjoy your company with you being the best person to have heart-to-heart conversations with. Gemini woman, you are amazing in your own way and you know it. So, In your ruling month, we bring to you some traits that you will totally relate to! Have fun reading!

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1. You Are Anything, But Monotonous

Gemini women hate one thing more than anything- routine. They get bored of anything that is constant and love a spontaneous life. They expect only one thing to be constant in their life that is CHANGE.

Gemini Woman
Source: giphy.com

2. You Love To Experiment

Be it fashion, food, people or sex, gemini women love to experiment. They are always on a lookout for new things and experiences and use them to build themselves up as a person.

Gemini woman
Source: giphy.com

3. Your Mood Drives Your Life

Geminis are extremely moody creatures. A gemini woman can turn from being the hot, sensual seductress to a cool, calculating backroom lawyer in the blink of an eye with the switch of her mood..!

gemini woman
Source: giphy.com

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 4. You Are The Hippie Of Zodiac World And Dress Like One Too!

A true wanderer at heart, gemini woman can have multiple faceted personality. She is unconventional and takes pride in that. Also, most Gemini women have a very versatile fashion sense.

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Source: giphy.com

5. Mystery Is How People Describe You..

Gemini women come across as mysterious creatures to the people around them because of their multi-faceted personality. They confuse people with their alluring versatility. They never fail to surprise people with their.. umm.. Newness!

gemini woman
Source: giphy.com

6. You DON’T Let People Mess With Your Independence

Independence and individuality are the key components of a gemini’s blood. Geminis live by the quote ‘Live and let live’. They love their freedom and individuality and will do anything to protect it. If you try to chain them down, be it in terms of their personality or choices..be ready to face their BITCH MODE..!!

gemini woman
Source: giphy.com

Also Read: What kind of Girlfriend are you according to your zodiac signs ?

 7. You Are Creative As Creativity Itself

Painting, Photography, Writing, Philosophy or even painting their nails… name it.. and they can do it! Not just do it, they are good at it. Gemini women are extremely creative beings with an eye for art and details.. they can be really entertaining friends.

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Source: giphy.com

8. You Love To Chase

Be it their dreams or their man in bed.. Gemini women love challenges and chase their goals till they achieve it! #goaldiggers !!

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Source: giphy.com

9. You Are Kind Hearted And Compassionate

But at the end of the day, it all comes down to a fact that gemini women are extremely compassionate and kind. Also, they are very loving creatures who are sensitive to the needs of the people around them. They live their lives in peace and help others do the same as well!!

gemini woman
Source: giphy.com


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Tell us in the comments down if you are same or have any other quality.