Hey You Girl with curly hair, very fair.. eyes are blue? Lovely two… and blah blah blah..! Poems have always made curly hair sound like a dreamy blessing to us! Haven’t they? Well, they can make you look like a dream when they decide to behave, but that’s a rare scenario. Most of the times we curly heads have to go through a lot of struggle to make them look manageable. So, here is a list of situations that every curly haired girl will relate to. Read on as we try to console you. You have our sympathies ladies!!
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1. Good Morning.. Grizzly Bear?
Mornings are never easy for girls with curly hair. You tend to get up with hair that can easily be a dream home to most of the birds. And in the worst case scenarios, your appearance can fool any grizzly bear to mistake you as one of their own.

2. Actual length of your hair is a mystery!
Poems have always made us believe in the concept of ‘long and curly’ which is truly HYPOTHETICAL in nature. You will probably die unaware of your actual hair length unless you put in the efforts of straightening them.

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3. Want bangs?? Please do not set unrealistic dreams!
Getting bangs is a practically an unrealistic dream for every curly head, unless you have the determination of straightening them every day after a hair wash or be prepared for a twirled up mess.

4. Romance with hair..? A big no!!
Avoid romantic encounters that involve your man sticking his fingers in your hair because, umm they might never come out 😛

5. Conditioner is your ‘MANE’ mate
Well, forget ‘soul mate’. All you need is a good conditioner and lots of it to keep your mane frizz free!

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6. Natural hair parting umm.. What’s that???
Finding a natural hair parting in curly haired women is like finding a perfect man. Well both of them don’t exist. All you find is massive dreadlocks. (Or if you do find it.. its always going to be more than two).

7. You don’t remember the last time you brushed your hair
A week back? or a month? All you do with your hair is wash them and let them curl up on their own. You obviously don’t want to look like a frizz head after brushing them.

8. People love to touch your hair
On days when your hair decide to cooperate, they make you look like Rapunzel. And of course, compliments pour in and so do people (uninvited) trying to feel your mane.. uugrrhhh!!!

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9. You are always asked if they are natural
And then you say like a boss ,”Well yes you bitch, I was born with them!”

Have more experience. Tell us in the comments below.