7 Relationship Stages That All Couples Go Through

relationship stages
Source: flickr.com

Although each relationship is unique and different in their own way, but the stages that most people in a relationship go through are more or less the same. These stages are like tests that check your compatibility with each other. It doesn’t matter how long your relationship has lasted, because all the relationships will fit in one of the below relationship stages. So read on to find out which relationship stage, you and your partner are currently in.

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1. The “Crush” / Infatuation Stage

The little crush on him/her and unintentional infatuations initiate the start of something new. I am sure almost everyone of you have at some point of time in their life have experienced this stage. The intense attraction and the uncontrollable urge to see and spend time with each other often mark the beginning of love sparks between you and your partner. You start building your imaginary life together and think about lasting together till eternity!

Relationship Stages
Source: giphy.com

2. The Getting To Know Each Other Stage

The constant exchange of messages and late night conversations upgrades you to this stage. Though you want to know each and everything about each other, but you always ensure to show them your best side. You discuss about each other’s families, likes, dislikes, past relationships and other little secrets, and everything about them fascinates you!

Relationship Stages
Source: giphy.com

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3. The Acceptance/ Becoming A Couple Stage

This stage embarks the acceptance of each other’s feelings and its way into a happy romance after a few months of blissful courting. You both confess your love to each other and start your journey together as a couple. This dating phase become the best phase of your lives. The small fights and arguments and wooing each other with gifts and compliments are the highlight of this stage.

Relationship Stages
Source: giphy.com

4. The Reality Check Stage

Slowly and gradually you start to form opinions and have expectations from each other. Often, when these opinions and expectations differ from what you thought them to be, it can either leave you ecstatic or depressed. Also, this is the stage where you realize the importance of giving space to each other because being in love doesn’t mean that you both should always be with each other and doing everything together. After all everyone needs a little personal space.

Relationship Stages
Source: giphy.com

5. The Compromising and Adjustments Stage

For any relationship to bloom and prosper there always arises a need for compromises and adjustments from both ends. Although it’s tough but you realize that in order to be happy together you need to give and take. The efforts need to be made from both the sides to get over the struggles and differences that you both might have.

Relationship Stages
Source: giphy.com

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6. The Fighting and Doubting Stage

Although both of you try to make compromises and adjustments to keep each other happy, but sometimes all of it just ends in vain. You both start to have arguments and fights (sometimes even on silliest of reasons). There are days when you both just keep getting on each other’s nerves. There always exist some of their habits that puts you off.
You start comparing your relationship with other couples and you wonder if your relationship would survive this stage? It definitely can, as long as your relationship isn’t monotonous and both of you don’t give up trying to do whatever it takes to be with each other.

Relationship Stages
Source: giphy.com

7. The “Make It OR Break It” Stage

This is the last stage which decides whether your relationship makes it till the end or you both decide to part ways. Whatever the issues may be- long distance, infidelity, trust issues, compatibility or understanding problems, it’s up to you both to decide if you are willing to give in all that you have and make it work because after all nobody is perfect.

And I guess, “Love is Always Worth Fighting For”!

Relationship Stages
Source: giphy.com

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Which stage you are in ? Tell us in the comments below.