5 Alternate Ideas To Spend Your Holidays

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Most of the time we are not with our family to celebrate or spend time with. If you are spending time with your family on Christmas Eve having dinner and arguments over the boggle. While everybody around you is busy and concerned with familial celebrations, you are still thinking to find alternative things to do over the holidays.

The most common celebration people do is spend their time with orphan’s. It’s a great idea but there are many other ways to spend the holidays beside going and visiting orphans. Many organizations need extra help and gift-making for others, volunteering, and other things that are different from the traditional model.

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So, apart form just lying on a beach somewhere. How do you make most of your holidays?

Here are 5 Alternate Ideas To Spend Your Holidays

1.Get involved in holiday programs of local museums

Most of museum during the holiday season have special programs or need help in preparing Christmas tree, you can get yourself involved in fun activities and make most of the holidays instead of cruising around in your city.

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2. If you love sitting at home then you can craft for those in need

Find a local hospital and know what they need for decorations. Christmas decorations, cards and other things you make or gift will brighten up the wards of vulnerable children over the holidays. Spread happiness by giving gifts to children and parents in the hospital.

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3. Try working at Soup Kitchen

Soup kitchens during holidays especially during Christmas need help. Spend some time in the leap-up and aftermath of Christmas to a soup kitchen or homeless shelter is a good way to spread the help around and give them much-needed assistance away from peak times of giving. Ask them what they need so that staffers at soup kitchens can take off for few days.

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4. Urban Farming

A good way to use your energy and go green this Holiday season is by doing Urban Farming. Get dirty in the cold and get prepared to get down. Different farms have different requirements for volunteering. Be clear on what you can and cannot do.

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5. Movie Marathon

Christmas movie marathons will get stick on the couch if don’t want to go out. Pop-up screenings all over London, New York and not to forget the music box theater in Chicago which runs old school Christmas movies throughout the holidays.

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