Are you dating a coworker? Is this the question that is making you go mad? Well, if you are dating a coworker, but there are numerous factors that you need to keep into a concern on the same. Undoubtedly, you will have to face numerous challenges when dating you are dating a coworker. Neglecting the same can jeopardise your professional as well as personal relationships. Then should be keeping the same a secret? Well, that would trouble your relationship with some of the people in your office and will also hinder the authenticity of your job responsibility.
Some do’s and don’t you need to follow when dating a colleague
Workplace Etiquettes differ from one office to another, depending upon your work responsibility. However, it is not something unnatural to fall for your colleague. Now you are eager to date her, but the consequences of dating a coworker are bothering you. To make the same easy, this article brings to you some general Do’s and Don’ts that are to be followed when you are dating your coworker.
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Here are Do’s and Don’ts You Can’t Ignore While Dating a Coworker
1. Do take into concern whether your workplace permit the same or not
Romancing in the office is not allowed in general by any workplace, but you need to take into concern whether the same is prohibited even in the lawn or canteen. You can easily ascertain this by observing others.
2. Do keep all your work at the workplace and your personal life at home

Some people bring up their work issues at home and let their office affair mingle with the same. It is necessary to maintain a line between your professional and personal life. Don’t make romancing a part of your work.
3. Do let the boss know about your affair
You might consider it the worst tips ever, but this is of help. It will help you to stay away from any trouble on a later date. Some of your friends might stop you from doing so, but if chances come your way, do let the news reach your boss. This will make your boss consider you as a dedicated employee.
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4. Don’t bring the arguments you had last night in your office
Now, this is again about keeping your personal life out of your office premise. At the office, you both are coworkers and not lovers. So never let the arguments you had the last day follow you to the office and hamper sound working environment.
5. Never date your subordinate or your boss

Dating your boss or subordinate will at some point lead to the birth of differences in your relationship. Such relationships hardly meet success. So why call for emotional trouble when you can easily stay away from it.
6. Don’t make your affair with your coworker a huge deal
Keep the relationship within a comfortable zone. There is nothing you have to brag about. It is ok for only colleagues working on the same project with you to know about it if they are truly close to you. There is no need to inform the entire office about the same.
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7. Never try to make out in your office cabin

Don’t commit the mistake of having sex at the office. The same will call for the huge problem, and you better know what is going to happen if your cabin has CCTV installed!
Thought(s) – Dating a colleague or co-worker is exciting and fun filled- till you adhere to the do’s and Don’ts properly.