Interior Designing related job can be a career choice for the young generation as it evolves in creativity, exploring new techniques of innovations which gives immense of satisfaction when you do a great job. Interior designing is not a 9 to 5 job. We had very inspiring conversation with an amazing interior designer and an amazing woman.
“You are your own boss with your own identity”

Sudha Moola is an Interior Designer by Profession. She did her Bachelors in designing, specializing in modular kitchens, lighting, color therapy and Space management. At a young age of 20 years she began this journey with a Passion. Started designing modular kitchens in the year 1998 and further expanded her expertise into renovations, home improvements, makeovers and etc. Since then she never looked back and the journey is continuing taking along all the new happenings in the field. Let us know her journey through all the odds and how she reached to such an amazing stage of life.
“You are your own boss with your own identity” -Sudha Moola.
1. Did you choose your career on your own? Or someone influenced you?
Sudha: Yes. Choosing career was all by my own, I did not want to be in a typical stereo type kind of a career, but something which gives satisfaction which allows me to travel, expose to the world, creativity, knowing different people in different fields. Yes, this is my passion and I realized today what I am.
2. We know that you are Interior Design Guru – But did you ever contemplate other career options? Especially when things were not going good for you in your pursuits? And how did you fight through?
Sudha: No never – Always happy in my own shoes. Still need lot of experience to be called as a Design Guru. Yes, challenges are always there but over coming those challenges and meeting deadlines and customer expectation is what we achieve and feel proud of.
3. Tell us about your journey when it comes to Interior Design – When did you start and how you have evolved to the present state, where you are seen as a leading design consultant?
Sudha: Journey started 22 years ago when I was 18 years. This is never ending, as exploring the talent never comes to end seeing different. There is nothing called as a leading designer but teaching heights of customers satisfaction of course gives reward to yourself.
4. For our readers who are either interested in Interior Design or Housing design as a career option, what are the available paths to go about it?
Sudha: Yes, Interior design is a beautiful feminine kind of career to girls especially when you can relate your personality to the profession.
Many Universities and other professional institutes are offering Bachelor Degree and Diplomas in Interior Design with specialization.
5. How rewarding could this career be? Especially when you stack it up against regular jobs?
Sudha: As said before, rewarding is not just patting on your back but the satisfaction of a customer who praises your work.
6. What kind of challenges our readers can expect if they choose this career?
Sudha: In any profession race is always there, competition, challenges are must…I feel personally this gives growth to profession.
7. How much of effort is required – Compared to other job pursuits – How much time and money does it take to acquire the skills? Does it pay to put into so much vis-a-vis the returns?
Sudha: Effort is must but no investment, hardworking, commitment, time bound is required.
8. Is it possible to pursue this career as a part time job?
Sudha: Yes as you wish no time bound. You are the boss of your own.
9. Is there something else that you plan to achieve or you think you want to get better at what you are doing now?
Sudha: Yes always updating ourselves — to new era design, trends is most important, matching to customer’s wavelength is equally important. There is never ending satisfaction
10. Interior Designing is not looked upon as a mainstream job – Atleast that is what the thought is – Not necessary to have – Atleast in the mindsets of Indian work class – What is your take on this?
Sudha: Interior designing as mainstream my profile speaks it can be many fellow designers are.
11. If someone came to you and asked for your suggestion on their career choice as Interior Design – What would be the two things you will ask them to consider as risk and two things as compelling reasons to pursue?
Sudha: If you ask me —-
1) Hard work
2) Creativity
3) Passion to work
4) Time bonud
12. Do you have any specific thoughts that you want to share with our readers.
Sudha: Hmmm….specific thought, I would say not much but again, dream big…doing a dream project as per your ideas….
13. What is the biggest change you want to see in the young millennial and Gen Z girls of India? What do you think you would like to see happen which you probably did not experience during your prime?
Sudha: Commitment is biggest drawback in today’s young girls….ofcourse in my time the teaching techniques of today’s era is different.
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