5 Reasons Why Fighting Is Good For Your Relationship


Nobody wants to the unnecessary fights with their partner. We all have ups and downs in our relationships and deal with each other’s anger but does it mean you will give up? Too many fights become frustrating at times but trust me these fights and arguments helps your relationship become stronger. Hold on tight to your love and just don’t give up. Don’t be afraid of the arguments, face them and be strong for what’s lined up for you ahead.

Here is a list of things that tell you how fighting is just not negative but adds to the positivity of your relationship

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1. Realization

During and after a fight, you realize how these petty things and ego just knocked you off, away from him where as you could have been with him. It makes you realize how strongly you feel for each other. It makes you strive for his presence and makes you realize how much you miss him when he is not there.

source: pexels.com
source: pexels.com

2. Work On Your Flaws

Every time the fight gets resolved, you realize you are a person with flaws just like any other human being. After you are calm, it takes you down to the thinking of where you went wrong or how you just went overboard with your emotions and words. Fighting helps you know about the flaws of your partner as well and working on each other’s flaws will definitely help you two grow.

source: huffingtonpost.com
source: huffingtonpost.com

3. Shows How Honest You Are With Each Other

You and your partner both have your own respective opinions about a situation or topic. If you are sharing your opinions and you end up fighting because of keeping your say, don’t worry about it. It means that both of you are comfortable with each other and have your voice in the discussions. Makes you both a team right? So arguing over something and settling down your thoughts together as one will make you stronger and shows that you two are completely transparent.

source: huffingtonpost.com
source: huffingtonpost.com

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4. You Are Even

Fighting shows how your partner or you are not over powering the other. You both have equal rights and are not intimidated by each other. That is how it should be in a healthy relationship.

source: youtube.com
source: youtube.com

5. Cherish The Fights

Don’t you want stories for yourself and the world about how you made up with your partner after a fight? It is always great to have happy memories but going down the memory line of your little arguments makes you laugh and shows how you have come so far. Re-live the moments!

source: pexels.com
source: pexels.com

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Now go ahead and have a solid fight with them. 😉 Do tell us in comments how was it.