10 Things A Guy Does When He’s really into You

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From playing “He loves me! 🙂 He loves me not! 🙁 to swiping on Tinder we all grew up. But that dilemma if your boy likes you or not stays the same. We still wonder if he is really serious about you or he is just playing around. Yes we know that reading human behavior is difficult especially when it comes to someone who you are dating. You try to guess that certainty by the way he responds to your texts and calls or bring flowers and chocolate for you after acting like Einstein all the way you still get nowhere about sealing the answer of frequently asked question ,”Is he really into me?”

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So to make your analysis easier we bring you some of the universal signs that tell that girl he’s really into you and thinking about you 24*7. Check these out.

1. He will use We more often in his conversations

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When his sentences start with we then it clearly means that he considers you as a part of his life and he sees a future with you.

2. He will call you every now and then

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This guy will make time for you. No matter how busy he is, he will call you to know how you are doing. He will try to be available for you whenever you need him.

3. He will introduce you to his friends

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A guy who is a player may shower you with flowers but will never introduce to the other people in his life. But when a guy is serious you will know all his friends who matters to him.

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4. He will try to maintain a physical contact

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Those moments when he accidentally brushes your forearm or accidentally grabs your waist are not so accidental, If he digs on you for real he will plan these moments in head before executing them.

5. He listens to you and pay attention to the every word you utter

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Girl you have found a keeper if he really listens to your opinions and give them a fair says. And not only will this he remember all the details of the conversations which are important.

6. He will try to see you as often as possible

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He will not miss a single chance to be with you. Whether it’s for 30 minutes he will make his efforts to meet whenever possible.

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7. He will open up to you

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About his interests, passion, hobbies, fears, insecurities. He will let you to see all of him.

8. He will lean in when he talks to you

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His body language will convey a lot of things when he is around you. When he will talk to you he will lean forward to make you realize he is listening to you. You just need to be observant about the hints he drop.

9. He will maintain an eye contact

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Eyes are windows to soul and you will see yourself in eyes of him. He will look at you in the most adorable way like you are the world to him.

10. He will tell you straightaway

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He will not be interested in playing games and will let you know his true feelings in an honest way. And girl you have to take him seriously.

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You just need to be little attentive when you are around him and you have to read between the lines because trust me guys are not that difficult to understand.