10 Things He Does That Tells You He’s A Keeper

he's a keeper
Source : pixabay.com


We constantly hustle our thoughts and ask ourselves, ‘Is he the one?’; ‘Have I found him yet?’ We love to appreciate our partners for his little efforts and love how he pampers us. From listening to our pointless dramas without cringing, to handling you at your worst, if he sticks by your side through thick & thin and equally appreciates you for all your efforts, girls you have found your dream man.

Watch out for these signs that will help you figure out if he is the one, ‘The Keeper’

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1. Takes out time for you when he is away with his boys

he's a Keeper
Source: giphy.com

He makes sure to keep you updated even when he is away partying with his boys. Yes, he misses you and takes out time to text you and let you know you’re on his mind.

2. Accepts he’s not always right

he's a Keeper
Source: giphy.com

Listens to you and understands your point of view rather than constantly nagging you by proving himself right. He accepts his mistakes and tries to make up for the same.

3. Doesn’t compete with you

he's a Keeper
Source: giphy.com

He supports you and is proud of your achievements. Helps you with your dreams and appreciates the hard work you put into being a strong, successful and an independent woman.

4. Is your Bestfriend

he's a Keeper
Source: giphy.com

He shares not only his happiness but shows his emotional side to you. From watching movies to eating, to laughing, you do all of it together. There is absolutely no filter, he jokes around you like a bestfriend and loves you like his lady at the same time.

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5. ‘Little things’

he's a Keeper
Source: giphy.com

When he never gets tired of showing his love and makes small, little efforts just to see that gorgeous smile on your face. You know that smile means the world to him!

6. Is attracted to you even when you add those 10 pounds

he's a Keeper
Source: giphy.com

He doesn’t outgrow his love for you even when you gain weight. He loves your body the way it is and thinks of you no less even when your body shape or size changes.

7. Isn’t embarrassed to show you off to the world

he's a Keeper
Source: giphy.com

You’re his princess and he doesn’t feel sheepish to show his love for you to the world. He does little things publicly to show you are his baby girl.

8. Values your role in his life

he's a Keeper
Source: giphy.com

The way you appreciate his presence in your life, he equally values your existence. He doesn’t take you granted and makes sure he loves you more and more everyday.

9. He is a dreamer

Even when you think it’s too soon to think about your future, he keeps it practical but at times, he takes you into his future fantasies, talks about achieving his future goals with you, the perfect vacations and his wildest dreams.

10. Shares his food with you

he's a Keeper
Source: flickr.com

FOOD is true love. When he shares that last slice of pizza, girl he is the ONE. NEVER let him go!

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