5 Amazing Yoga Asanas That Will Help You Prevent Hair Fall Naturally

hair fall remedy at home

Long beautiful flowing hair till waist is a dream of every girl, but this dream hardly comes true. There are girls who are very lucky that they have beautiful hair. Hair Fall Usually Occurs because of pollution, stress, hormonal imbalance, poor eating habits or disease like diabetes, thyroid or due to excess usage of styling kits like a straightener, Dyer, curler, highlights, and many more experiments done by girls. There can be a genetic reason for hair fall. There are ways to cure hair fall and one of the easiest and natural ways is YOGA.Try these working yoga poses and prevent Hair fall naturally.

Yoga keeps us fit and fresh. Yoga can really cure and prevent us from many diseases. Yoga is popular in all over the world. 21st June is celebrated as International Yoga day.  Yoga asana enhances blood circulation to your scalp and reduces stress and anxiety. Yoga asana also improves oxygen consumption.

So here are 5 basic and easiest amazing yoga asana. It is a natural process which can stop hair fall. Though it is a slow process but it is beneficial to you.

1. Apanasana

It is one of the easiest yoga poses to prevent hair fall, which refreshes our body. It purifies blood and improve blood circulation and improves hair growth it can also help us in back pain. It will help in relaxing our muscles from back to the neck.

Prevent hair fall Naturally

Lie on your back and pull your knees towards your chest while exhaling. Move your legs up with the strength of your thighs take help of your arms to pull them up, hold this position for a few seconds. Now, inhale and now move your legs away from your chest. Now come back to your relaxing position.

Also Read: 11 Ways To Stop And Reduce Hair Fall

2. Kapalbhati

Kapalbhati pranayama is one of the breathing exercises that helps the brain receive more oxygen so that our brain can get a proper and good amount of oxygen. It helps us to fight with diabetes and obesity.

Prevent hair fall Naturally

Sit in lotus position with your legs folded towards each other. Now fold your index finger on your knees. Now start deep breathing, inhale – exhale. While inhaling be slow and while exhaling it should be forceful. Continue to do this exercise 4-5 times. If you are doing it first time it will be a little bit difficult for you but continue practice will make you comfortable.

3. Anuloum Vilom

Anuloum Vilom is also a simple alternate breathing technique that helps our lungs healthy and reduces stress. It promotes proper circulation of blood and makes our body relaxed from all the stress and tiredness and promotes the hair growth. The constant regulated breathing also massage, tones and cleanses the entire nervous system, thereby making you feel relaxed.  

Prevent hair fall Naturally

Sit in the Lotus Position and place the thumb of one hand on one nostril and fold the index finger. Keep the ring finger straight so that it can be used to close the other nostril. Now, inhale deeply through the open nostril, close it with the index finger, now open the other nostril and exhale through it. Repeat this breathing process.for 5-10 minutes people who are suffering from High blood pressure, heart disease or should do it as slow as possible.

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4. Adho Mukha Svanasana

The downward temple position strengthens the arms and shoulders, increases blood circulation to the head, stimulates the nerves of the scalp, stretches the muscles and rejuvenates the body.

Prevent hair fall Naturally

Lie on your stomach on the ground place your hands and feet with your knees and hands touching the ground your hands should be directly perpendicular to the knees and shoulders. Now straighten your legs by pushing the hips out and try to balance on your toes. Now push the floor with your palms and straighten your spine. Pull your hips down slowly and come back to your first position.

5. Uttanasana

This is another yoga asana where we have to bend in forward position and this yoga asana is the best yoga for getting a flat tummy. It promotes blood circulation to the head and it also prevents you from hair fall and this asana also improve the quality, quantity, thickness, and texture of hair.

Prevent hair fall Naturally

For this asana, you have to stand with your legs close. Take a deep breath, and lift your hands while you inhale and then bend forward and place your hand beside your feet while exhaling the air.  Stay in this position for a few seconds and then come back to your normal position while taking a deep breath.

These are some yoga asana you can try to get rid of the hair fall. Practicing yoga makes you look young and keep you fit and healthy. You don’t require Gym, or trainer if you practice yoga daily. Stay healthy and keep practicing.

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