All of us have a bunch of friends with different personalities and aura. There are friends that you have to tolerate at times either for their nonsense or the way in which they react or for something that they constantly do that bugs you off. Who wants to be surrounded by negative people or people that add to chaos to your life? No doubt that we love making friends and want our own gang but at times it is better to do some cleaning and get rid of the toxic friends in your group.
Here is a list of types of friends you should cut off completely from your life
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1. The jealous one

The friend who envies you and gets jealous of your achievements. Instead of being ecstatic and supportive of your work, if he/she gets jealous of how well you’re doing with your life, its time you knock her out.
2. The one that makes you feel like crap

Do you want to be surrounded by a friend you nags you? Watch out for her! The toxic friend who is constantly puts you down and demeans you. She is the one who would judge you for your flaws and actions. A true friend would accept you the way you are and will encourage you to do better.
4. The needy one

The one who approaches you only when she needs help. The one who messages or calls when she is in need of something and otherwise is unaware of your existence.
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4. The Manipulative one

Some people master the art of manipulation. They would want you to behave in a way that they think is right. They are the ones who know exactly how to play with your minds and get work done according to their will. Always showing they are concerned only to get the work done their way.
5. The chameleon

The one who talks shit about others but acts completely opposite in front of them. The friend who constantly criticizes the other person behind their back but speaks golden words and showers love when she is around them.
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It is high time you chuck out such friends from your life. Cut out that unnecessary chaos. Write to us about your feelings on dumping the toxic friends in the comment section below.