7 Biggest Turn Offs for Guys That Most Girls Know Nothing About



Dear Ladies, Did you know there are certain things that turn guys off as quickly as flipping a light switch? Well, yes. Although men appear to be quite simple and less complicated, there are certain things that we just can’t understand about them. You might not be even realizing that what parts of your daily conversation, and actions are actually turning into turn offs.

“It’s better to know them now than regret later”

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1. Acting Too Needy & Emotional

There isn’t a problem in expressing your feelings and emotions but simply getting furious and depressed at the drop of a hat is definitely not what he wants to handle.

7 Biggest Turn Offs for Guys That Most Girls Know Nothing About

2. Alia Bhatt Pattern

Do you want to follow the “I am so dumb, and that’s so cute” policy? Even if you want to, just don’t. Even Alia Bhatt turns men off sometimes.

7 Biggest Turn Offs for Guys That Most Girls Know Nothing About

3. Not Reciprocating In Bed

Remember when you saw that extremely handsome guy with an average looking girl and you wondered how it is possible? Well, now you know how! Reciprocation is the key.

7 Biggest Turn Offs for Guys That Most Girls Know Nothing About

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4. Not Offering To Pay

This is important because it shows that you are not with him for money and also that you can maintain yourself without him.

7 Biggest Turn Offs for Guys That Most Girls Know Nothing About

5. Social Media Fever

Sometimes it is okay to not post what you ate, when you slept, what your dog is wearing on Snapchat and Instagram and other platforms. It is really annoying for anyone and everyone.

7 Biggest Turn Offs for Guys That Most Girls Know Nothing About

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6. Dressing Trashy

There is a fine line between dressing sexy and dressing provocatively. Heard that ‘you should always leave something to imagination’? Exactly that.

7 Biggest Turn Offs for Guys That Most Girls Know Nothing About

7. Excessive Make-Up

No one wants to see a Cake face all the time, right? Make up is supposed to highlight your features thereby hiding the flaws and not to make a Rainbow of your face.

7 Biggest Turn Offs for Guys That Most Girls Know Nothing About

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Tell us in the comments below if you know any more turn offs for guys with your own experience 😉