Maybe it was his laugh, eyes or smile. It could have been his hair, or voice or personality. Whatever it has been, it has made you fallen for him so damn hard. He gives that feeling of endless love, the personification of the word soul mates. Right? Give a read to these 7 signs which shows that you’ve deeply fallen for him.
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1. His Eyes Set The Sky On Fire
The way he looks at you makes you feel simply out of this world. It’s like his eyes have their own vocabulary which you want to talk to the entire time.

2. His Voice Brings The Spark In You
The moment you hear his voice, you start get drooling over that intense voice that can simply take you to the moon. You can keep listening to this voice for the rest of your life.

3. His Touch Ignites Your Soul
When he whispers sweet little things to you, and suddenly holds you in the middle of the conversation, yeah! I’m talking about that feeling!

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4. His Smell Makes You Feel His Presence
You know him so well that each time you smell the similar cologne as he uses, you can feel his presence around you.

5. He Still Gives You Those Butterflies
You are so in love with him that each time his name comes in a conversation, you can still feel the butterflies in your stomach.

6. The Moment You Saw Him – Déjà vu
The feeling when you feel that you have been in a place before whereas you have not. How about déjà vu in talking to people? Ever felt like you know them for ages? Yeah!

7. With Him World Looks Just Perfect
Being with him makes you feel that the world is such a beautiful place to live in. Everything appears to be just perfect.

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You have been thinking about him throughout, have not you? Tell us in the comments below.