Menstrual cramps are also called as Dysmenorrhea, but there’s actually a lot more to it than just cramps during menstruation. GirlsXP loves giving you tips on finding solutions to stressful sexual and reproductive health situations in a way you like it.
There are two types of Dysmenorrhea —
- Primary Dysmenorrhea is a situation when you dealing with painful cramps and there is no underlying medical cause. People aged 20 to 24 deal with primary dysmenorrhea and it usually goes away in a year or two.
- Secondary Dysmenorrhea is when you have painful cramps and there is a medical reason for it. Potential causes of intense menstrual cramps include uterine fibroids, endometriosis, pelvic inflammatory disease, and stress.
According to one study, 84 percent of women had painful cramps i.e., dysmenorrhea sometimes. So everyone with a uterus, you are not alone.
How Can You Figure Our If You’re Dealing With Dysmenorrhea?
Listen to your body to know if you have Dysmenorrhea. It is extremely common situation during periods when you cannot handle the crampy feeling.
Here are the 5 signs to look for –
- You start feeling crampy a couple of days before your period

For some people with dysmenorrhea, a crampy starts a couple of days before their period, and for others the cramping starts with their flow. The cramps go away a couple of days after their period starts.
2. You feel Lightheaded

Most people faint or feel lightheaded and dizzy dealing with cramps. If you are one of them then, dysmenorrhea could be the reason.
3. You’re Constipated
To make it more painful, you could get constipated and make your cramps to feel worse. The limited space around that area pushes the uterus more and more.
4. You describe your pain as Dull

A Dull ache that’s always there which describes your pain and crampy feeling. Everyone has a weird way of describing pain, if you tell it throbbing then you’re probably dealing it more often.
5. Pain in Abdominal region
Uterus is in your abdominal region, so if it’s cramping you’ll feel it there. If you have pain somewhere else, close this article and call your doctor because you don’t have cramps — you have something else.
If you’re suffering from cramps, be proactive. Figure out what works for you and remember to actually do it.
Also Read: What To Eat And What Not To Eat During Periods
Images: Pixabay; Giphy