7 Straightforward Truths You Need To Know About Life

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Life’s not that complicated like we think it to be. It’s beautiful and every moment is worth living. All of us go through different situations and come across diverse personalities. We console ourselves and try to look for good in things & people. You have to understand that whatever you come across and whoever you cross lines with in your life teaches you something. There are harsh truths in life that you need to know, accept to be a stronger and independent.

Here is a list of truths you should always remember about life

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1. Everyone Puts Themselves First

Every individual always puts their interest first before anyone else’s. No matter how caring, concerned and loving a person is towards you, he/she will always stick up for themselves first. Yes, face the reality; it’s me, myself and I.

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2. Nobody Can Save You

Absolutely no one can drag you out of your problems but you! You are a savior to yourself and your thoughts. You near and dear ones will be there to advice you but the main step of pulling yourself out is up to you.

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3. There Is No Magic Wand

Get it straight, there is no magical spell or wand that will take away your problems. Problems whether big or small will come up throughout your life. You need to understand that no problem gets solved within seconds. Give it time and do whatever it takes to solve the situation. Be patient, there is magic around you that will gradually solve the problems.

source: giphy.com

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4. Actions Speak

The phrase, ‘Actions speak louder than words’, yes this is the truth. You need to realize that people can do the mushy talk but their actions are judged. Nobody pays attention to your intentions but consider you actions. Words can be polite and soothing but reality comes out from the gestures and actions.

source: giphy.com

5. You Can’t Keep Everyone Happy

The fact is, it’s impossible to keep everyone happy. However much you try, there is always that one person who ends up being not happy with your gestures, intentions or words. The will be that someone who will criticize you no matter what you do. Do what you think is right. Why try and please everyone?

source: gurl.com

6. Nobody Is Too Busy

It’s all about prioritizing. Nobody is too busy to reply to you, meet you, and spend time with you. It’s about what you mean to that person and whether or not would they take out time for you. Everyone is busy but always remember, if someone wants to make time for you, they will do whatever it takes to get time out of their busy schedules.

source: giphy.com

7. You Will Be Judged

How you dress up, how you carry yourself, how you talk or how you eat; you will be constantly judged. BE YOURSELF. In the world where you are being constantly judged, try living for yourself. Don’t underestimate yourself to impress others because clearly you don’t owe them anything.

source: gurl.com

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Face whatever comes your way. Make yourself strong.