10 Things We Expect From Our Future Husbands

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Many of us our super excited to get hitched already. So much is the excitement that we have planned and imagined situations in our head of what is going to happen after marriage and how pretty much the things are going to change. Out of this all marriage excitement, we wish for our life partners/future husbands to just do an extra bit to make us smile and to add a little oomph to our married life. The imaginations of the perfect scenarios and situations makes us expect the ‘BUT OBVIOUS’ things from our future husbands. Here is a list of the stuff that we desire for from our future husbands.

Dear Future Husband, Here Are 10 Things I am expecting from you

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1. Morning Kisses

Wake up and kiss. Who doesn’t want to be kissed by the love of their life as soon as one wakes up? Good morning kisses just sets us right for the day, perfect start to a day!

10 Things We Expect From Our Future Husbands
source: pinterest.com

2. Mushy Texts

Nothing is cuter than your husband writing down to you how much he misses you and loves you when he is away from you. Every cute text brings a smile to our faces and melts down our heart every time!

10 Things We Expect From Our Future Husbands
source: abcnews.go.com

3. Breakfast In Bed

How insanely we want morning meal in the bed with our love. Waking up to kisses and then to this lovely effort will be one of the best things to ask for.

10 Things We Expect From Our Future Husbands
source: blog.tagesanzeiger.ch

4. Partner In Crime

You wouldn’t want to do anything without him and expect him to stand by your decisions and support you. You want every little crazy thing with him and make stories to tell your kiddies, how adorable is that?

10 Things We Expect From Our Future Husbands
source: pixabay.com

5. Gossip Girlfriend

We wish for our spouse to be a little interested in our gossip sessions. It’s just that we wish to be so comfortable being around them that we would want to gossip juicy stuff and share it with them. We just don’t want you to know everything!

10 Things We Expect From Our Future Husbands
source: pixabay.com

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6. Surprises

Who doesn’t like being surprised? We wish our spouse to surprise us just to make us smile, even if it’s just a rose or a cup of coffee that he made for us out of the blue.  Little things matter to us!

10 Things We Expect From Our Future Husbands

7. Dinner Dates

The idea of dinner dates excites us. Dinners with our love to either exotic places or even a simple place would be our absolute favorite. Dressing up, walking around with him. Enjoying the delicious food along with each other’s company, BEST!

10 Things We Expect From Our Future Husbands
source: vimbly.com

8. Dress Up Crises

What to wear and what not to. We usually get stuck behind the pile of clothes and wonder what to wear, where. Wishing our husband to pull us out of this clothing crisis and advice us with what he thinks looks the best on us.

10 Things We Expect From Our Future Husbands
source: dailymail.co.uk

9. Be A Best Friend

We would love you to be our honest critic and our cheerleader for difficult situations. We would want you let go off the mistakes but tell us honestly and advice us for what we have done wrong.

10 Things We Expect From Our Future Husbands
source: pixabay.com

10. Don’t Give Up!

The most important thing that we expect out of our future spouse is to just not give up on us whatever situation comes up, to not give up when our fights go overboard, to not give up on us for tough parts of our life together. We desire to fight every battle together and not give up!

10 Things We Expect From Our Future Husbands
source: pixabay.com

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Write to us if you have other wishes from your future spouse in our comment section below