Every 28 days, we have a red devil that oozes out of our bodies and refuses to chill out. Yes, ladies! I am talking about the mighty Period! A woman’s period can make her go crazy and turn her into a monster. We can be moody, psychotic, evil, emotional or all of the above. Hence, never mess with a woman on her periods!
Speaking of that, here are 7 things that all of us can relate to while we’re chumming
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1. Eat. Tweet. Sleep. Repeat
We either just sit in front of out laptops and scroll through pointless tweets and videos, or sit in front of the idiot box and eat popcorn while our eyes water at the image of the perfect boyfriend. And we do this on repeat – all day, everyday!

2. Stain Check
Knowingly or unknowing, all of us have at least once asked our best friend to check if we’ve got a giant ‘ketchup mark’ on our pants. We walk past each other, share some secret codes and feel okay by smelling success.

3. Fantasise
I don’t know why our sexual hormones are on a roll during this period. Sometimes, all I do is lay in bed and thing of doing all the hot men in town. Maybe, it’s my period that brings out the man in me.

4. Feel Relieved
Periods mean no pregnancy and no baby and thus, you don’t have to feel guilty about screwing the neighbour! It is a sign of utter relief but it does come at a price to pay.

Also See: How To Have a Healthy Vagina
5. Ponder over Advertisements
During this ‘period’, we women really relate to the sanitary napkin advertisements. And no, not the carefree part but the part where they sleep in one straight position the whole night. Yikes, that’s painful!

6. “Sorry, I’m on my Period”
I love making this excuse once every month. It’s like my free ticket to do whatever I want. I can shout at people, I can be a total bitch, I can swear a lot and never worry about being judged because ‘I am on my Period’

7. Sweatshirts and Pyjamas
When we’re already feeling so uncomfortable about our lives, our existence and everything else, we choose to dress up in super comfy clothes and just laze around. I’m so glad for having a boyfriend because i can wear his tees and jammies all day and then mess them up without feeling bad. At least I didn’t spoil my expensive pants.

Also See: Girls, This is What You Should Wear on a First Date
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