How To Know If You Might Have An Anxiety Problem

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Anxiety disorders are the most common mental illness around the world, affecting 60 million adults, or 28 percent of population. It’s a pretty sobering statistic. However, there is some good news: there are absolutely signs to watch out for that can help you figure out if you or someone you love is suffering from an anxiety disorder. It just comes down to being aware of what to look for.

It is extremely important to the signs of an anxiety disorder because there’s a difference between regular feelings of anxiety and clinical anxiety. Life is stressful – Lot of us get anxious on a fairly regular basis. The difference between living each day feeling miserable and getting the help you need to feel like yourself again.

If you’ve been feeling increasingly anxious in your daily life –

Here are 7 Potential Indicators That You may have Anxiety Disorder

  1. Excessive Worrying 
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Excessive worrying is the biggest and smallest aspects of your day is a major sign of an anxiety disorder. The distinction between an anxiety disorder and just having normal anxiety is whether your emotions are causing a lot of suffering and dysfunction.

2. Irrational Fears

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Irrational fears as a major symptom. A person who’s afraid of snakes can go for years without having a problem. But then suddenly their kid wants to go camping, and they realize they need treatment.

3. Painfully Shy

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Anxiety manifest itself in the form of social anxiety. If the notion of talking on the phone, being introduced to others, or even doing things like going to the doctors fills you with dread and stress, it could be a big red flag.

4. Indecisive 

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Do you have a lot of trouble making decisions — perhaps more than the people around you? Does it not matter if the decision is relatively big or small (AKA, “Should I buy a house?” or “Should I see the 5 p.m. or 6 p.m. movie?”). If so, anxiety could also be to blame.

5. Restless 

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Restlessness, is termed as trouble sleeping, as one of the top anxiety symptoms. If you’ve always been someone who can’t sit still and who constantly complains of having trouble getting to sleep, there could be more to the story.

6. Mind goes blank 

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If you’re having trouble concentrating and feeling like your mind goes blank then it is another indication of an anxiety disorder. We all space out from time to time and sometimes lose our trains of thought. It’s when it happens regularly, and in addition to other symptoms, that it could be an issue.

Undiagnosed anxiety can wreak havoc on our lives, which is why it’s so important to be tuned into potential symptoms.