Natural Remedies To Get Rid of The Sun Tan

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Not all of us are a fan of getting our skin tanned and would want to keep our scintillating skin protected from the sun. The ultraviolet rays of the sun result in the production of melanin in our body, which results in sun tanned skin. After getting the sun tan, it is a tedious job to get your normal skin back. It becomes difficult for all of us to avoid the heat and the dreadful rays of the sun but with the help of following methods you can get back that gorgeous glow to your skin.

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Here’s a list of remedies that will help you get off the tan from your body and restore your complexion

1. Lemon

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It is considered the best bleaching ingredient that naturally wears of the tan and makes the skin fair.Dip the cotton in the lemon juice or cut a lemon and gently rub it on your face. Keep it for 15 minutes and wash it off with luke warm water.

2. Yogurt

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Yogurt can do wonders when it comes to removing the tan and cool off the skin. Apply plain yogurt on the affected areas and leave it for 20 minutes. You can mix tomatoes and gram flour with yogurt to make a thick paste and apply for 30 minutes.

3. Aloe Vera 

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Aloe vera works naturally for a fairer and cleaner skin. Apply aloe vera or aloe vera gel everyday for a week for best results and get healthy – nourished skin.

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4. Papaya and Honey

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Papaya and honey not only help your body internally but together they can do marvels to get the tan off your body, making the skin brighter and whiter.

5. Milk 

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Milk helps to exfoliate your skin and at the same time helps to give you relief from the sun tan.Apply milk using cotton and keep it overnight. You can mix milk with honey and gram flour for a thick paste and apply it on you the affected parts.

6. Oatmeal

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Oatmeal powder helps to clean the skin and opens the pores. Mix oatmeal powder with buttermilk to soothe the affected tanned parts. Apply the mixture and keep it on for 30 mins. Wash it off with cold water for cleaner fairer skin.

7. Gram Flour

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Gram flour is the most common ingredient helpful in removing tan. It helps to remove the dead skin and get rid of the dirty tan, leaving your skin brighter and young.

8. Cucumber and Potato

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These fresh and refreshing vegetables help in soothing your skin. Squeeze out the juice from these vegetables and apply on the tanned areas. You can also cut and apply the slices on the affected areas for a wonderful result.

9. Coconut water and Sandalwood

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Coconut water helps to cool and rejuvenate your skin. Mix coconut water with sandalwood which has the medicinal properties to remove the tan and exfoliate it.

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To know more about the remedies drop in your doubts in the comment section below.