Signs That Prove You Are A Total Girl Boss

Signs That Prove You Are A Total Girl Boss

If you don’t let people tell you what to do, instead you do it your way, and show them how it’s done; then you are exactly the kind of mystical creatures we are talking about here! You were born to rule, and are in inspiration to all the women around the world.
Dear Alpha woman, You allude strength and celebrate the spirit of womanhood in the best possible way. We bring to you these seven signs of strength that you will totally relate to!

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1. You Don’t Take Shit From Anyone

You do things your way. And if people have a problem with that, then you let them deal with it 😉

Signs That Prove You Are A Total Girl Boss!

2. You Are Responsible (And FUN)

Went out drinking with friends on a weekday? Cool. You will enjoy and have fun but will stay sober enough to drive back home because you understand the importance of safe driving. More importantly, you know the importance of being Responsible

Signs That Prove You Are A Total Girl Boss!

3. You Are Ambitious

Ambition drives your life. You are not ready to settle for something ordinary. Your dreams are too big to let you slow down.

Signs That Prove You Are A Total Girl Boss!

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4. You’re Fu*king Independent

You do ‘want’ people in your life. Not because you need them, but because you love them. You know how to do things yourself and also how to get things done. You know how to find your way and lead! #NoHelpRequired

Signs That Prove You Are A Total Girl Boss!

5. You Value Relationships But Don’t Get Caught In Them

You love your family, friends and boyfriend dearly. But that doesn’t stop you from living your life in your way. You might not be physically present with them always but you will stand tall to protect your them whenever they need you.

Signs That Prove You Are A Total Girl Boss!

6. You REALLY Work Hard For Your Dreams

Day dreaming? What’s that? For you, dreams are made of sweat and hard work. You do not wait for things to happen on their own. You take charge and make them happen!

Signs That Prove You Are A Total Girl Boss!

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7. You Make Mistakes, But Learn From Them!

You are very much a human. You make mistakes. But what sets you apart is your fearlessness. You do not fear mistakes, because you know that each one of them would transform you into a better person and would bring you closer to your goal. You learn from every mistake that you make and vow to never repeat them again.

Signs That Prove You Are A Total Girl Boss!

You are amazing! We bow down to you #GIRLBOSS!

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