Does Taxotere cause Hair Loss? Scaring Facts you need to know Right Now!!

does taxotere cause hair loss

Have you ever heard the name “Taxotere”? If not, this is the common name used by many doctors as a most prescribed chemotherapy drug in the process of breast cancer treatment in women.

Though this drug has few alternatives such as Paclitaxel which just has the same effect as the Taxotere, doctors usually prescribe this as the base suggestion for cancer treatments in women. Let us know few scaring secrets on Taxotere and hair loss. 

In the late 90’s, a Five-year case study named GEICAM 9805 has been done on over 1000 women who are suffering from breast cancer and the results that seen were very tragic. 10% Women who have taken Taxotere were affected by permanent alopecia that time. It has been found that 8 out of 10 women suffer from hair loss because of this Taxotere intake, resulting in Taxotere hair loss. Another permanent side effect of Taxotere can be excessively watery eyes.

does taxotere cause hair loss


What are Taxol and Taxotere?
Taxol and Taxotere are both taxanes, both from the same family. Permanent hair loss is specific to Taxotere, in spite of the fact that it CAN (yet like never) occur with any chemotherapy. It is assessed that around 6% of women experiencing Taxotere will have some level of permanent hair loss. There are few who have positively no hair, however there are a few. There are other drugs that are as effective (like Taxol).  Taxol and Taxotere are both taxanes, but Taxol does not cause permanent alopecia.
After all, this little life is precious; never ever worry about the hair loss on the process of your breast cancer treatment. Research had been proved that hair regrowth will start slowly after the completion of treatment, yet it is not a complete truth!!