Emergency contraceptive pills have been a topic of discussion for a long time now. Some women swear by them, some doubt there credibility and others just don’t need them, if you know what we mean. 😉 Whatever the case is, we as RESPONSIBLE women must always keep a ‘Plan B’ if we get some unplanned action happening in the heat of the moment. So we bring to you a list of things that every woman must know about emergency contraceptive pills. Thank us later, we are happy to help. (That’s what friends are for. Right?) 😉
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1. It’s A Blooody Battle
Most women might face light vaginal bleeding after taking the pill. This is the most common side effect of the ‘morning after pill’ and is completely normal. You need not worry unless the bleeding lasts unusually long and is heavy.

2. Hello Sore Boobs
Your girls might feel tender and sore, which is another side effect of taking the plan B contraception. It is perfectly okay and your twins might start feeling the same after a week. It’s just the hormones talking! 😉

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3. The Sooner, The Better
Although most emergency contraceptives recommend taking the pill within 72 hours of the unprotected sex, you should still try and take the pill as soon as possible. It reduces any chances of a contraceptive failure and is more efficient. (The maximum deadline is 5 days though).

4. Your Period Might Get Late (or Early)
After you take an emergency contraceptive pill, Aunt flow might delay her visit by a week. Well, in other cases, she might come to see you early.
Please note that the ‘DELAY’ can be as long as a week. If it’s more than that you can blame yourself for the fail. We would strongly recommend getting a pregnancy test kit for yourself.

5. Nausea Is Common
Feeling tired or dizzy and nauseous are some of the most common side effects. You might also want to throw up and have some lower abdominal pain.

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6. They Don’t Make You Infertile
This is an utter ‘MYTH’. Emergency contraceptive pills, not in any case mess with your fertility. If they would have, India would not be facing population explosion issues and the pharmacy companies would have been shut by now (just kidding). If you still have any doubts, you should go and see your gynae now!

7. They Don’t Abort, They Just Prevent Pregnancy
Yes, there’s a difference. Most people think that emergency contraceptives work by causing a ‘mini abortion’. This is absolutely untrue. Plan B contraceptives are of no help if you have already become pregnant. They can only help you by delaying the egg release and thus creating hurdles in the process of fertilization.

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