Dear ladies, Have you ever been a victim to that drool worthy charm? or I Don’t Give a Fuck attitude? and that Badass personality? Well, Don’t feel bad. You are not alone! We all have been in that state where we have been knocked down in love by a hot and happening Bad Boy! The statistics may have been different. Yours might have been the one with a hot muscular body, a bike riding badass loner. Whereas, someone else might have fallen for a two-piece clad charming womaniser with a smile to die for! Doesn’t matter. Bad boys come in various shapes and sizes. But it is we, who as women have an illogical soft spot for massive jerks!
Which ever case it has been, We know that you fell for him Head Over Heels and it was one heck of an experience. We bring to you these seven most obvious reasons as to why we women tend to choose the bad boys over the good ones! Read on!
Also read: 7 Types Of Guys Women Date Before Finding The Right One
1. Their Drooooool Worthy Looks! Huh!
Bad boys have been known to make girls go weak on their knees with their irresistible charm. Remember Ryan Gosling in Crazy Stupid Love? Or Brad Pitt in Fight Club? We are drooling already! Bad guys are hot! Period.

2. We Love Challenges
We girls love challenges. Name one, and we are up for it! Bad boys hardly seem to give a fuck about our romantic advances. They don’t seem to care, no matter how good we look or how desperately we want them. And of course it is our birth right to want everything that we cannot have. Remember We Are Girls 😛 and so yes! CHALLENGE ACCEPTED!

3. Their Mystery Is Gripping
Unpredictability is hot when it comes to love and courtship. Bad boys never give away too much of themselves at once. They always keep us hanging and on our toes and we love that!

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4. Their Irresistible Sex Appeal
There is something undeniably sexy about danger and bad boys are known to be dangerous! They seem like a fantasy to us! Speeding bikes, adventurous nights, rough sex and all of it. Remember Jamie Dornan in Fifty Shades of Grey? (*Hot Flashes*)

5. You Want To Be His Saviour
The warrior princess in you wants to rescue the poor soul that the world sees as the bad boy. You want to be the girl for whom he changes his bad boy image and transforms himself into a good homely man.

6. Good Guys Might Be Boring!
We as individuals vouch for excitement in our lives. Specially, our younger selves love that adrenaline rush that comes from loving an unpredictable and unconventional man. Good guys seem too good to be settled for at this age. We demand to be thrilled and that, according to most of us comes with dating an asshole.

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7. Women Have An Illogical Soft Spot For Massive Jerks! It’s In Trend!
That says it all. Dating bad boys has become a trend. We as women, tend to feel drifted towards men that are bad. Because we love to chase and bad guys don’t come easy!

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Have more reasons? Tell us in the comments down.