Are You Dating The Wrong Guy? It Is High Time That You Should Break Up


It’s extremely painful to let go of someone with whom you’ve shared your deepest emotions and darkest desires. It causes immense pain and heart wrench at the very thought of breaking up with someone you love, especially if it was a long term relationship. But when you realize that it is even more painful to stay in a relationship with someone, you must take a notice of these signals, a bad lover gives. If you are going through any of these, then it’s high time to stand for yourself and move on.

Before moving forward, let me make a few facts clear

When you are in love, listen to your intuitions, do not ignore them. Also, in every relationship there comes a stage when you feel the spark isn’t there anymore but that doesn’t mean the relationship isn’t working anymore. Hold your horses Ladies! Give him some time.

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But if you are experiencing the following signs in your relationship then be assured that it needs to get over.

1. He Still Talks About His Ex

Mentioning your ex lover’s name once in a while is absolutely fine. He is probably coming out of his shell and opening up to you but if that discussion continues to go on for hours, then my friend, you got really serious things to deal with. You probably are with a wrong guy. So, if at all you are living in pretense that eventually it will be fine and that you must be supportive towards him right now, do it at your own risk.

2. He’s Being Too Clingy

Well yes. I know it sounds a little unfair to the poor lad as he wants more of you all the time. But you need to realize that this extra-time that you’re spending with him is keeping you away from your friends and family.  And come on, everyone needs space in a relationship. If he’s being too insecure and is not giving you enough space, what’s the point of being in a relationship?

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3. Fights Have Become Inevitable

The primary reason people get into a relationship is because they feel good around each other. They feel calm and composed in each other’s presence. But if the very reason that keeps a relationship goes on is being beaten, then you should consider your relationship. Yes, breaking up is difficult but staying in a torturous relationship is worse.

couples fight

4. He Abuses Or Threatens You

If your lover abuses you, whether physically or psychologically, undeniably, you need to condemn his behavior and stand for your self-respect. Do not think of it as a “bad habit”. He isn’t worth your love. Just walk away and never look back.

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5. He Is Cheating On You

Did you catch him flirting with hot colleague of his or with the girl next door? Yes? You got to understand a little thing here – was it a healthy flirting or was he actually hitting on them? If it was a healthy flirting, be open-minded about it and take it casually. However, if he was actually hitting on them, end it up and move on.


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It is never easy to end a relationship but it is terrible to stay in a relationship that causes you pain and hurt. Always remember, you are the one responsible for the happiness in your life.