Make Your Guy Blush with these Amazing One-Liners

Make Your Guy Blush with these Amazing One-Liners
Sometimes you need the cheesy lines to spice things up. Which movie has ever been complete without some cheesy Romantic line? Neither can I recall one. But I can recall endless from the movies of Tom Cruise and Shahrukh Khan. Because romance is always incomplete without these corny lines as they make your relationship a little more lively and fun. Come on, hasn’t he been using such lines and making you smile since long?

‘Men do not like Compliments’ is a Myth

Sometimes tables should be turned and men should be made to blush a little. What say? A dash of humor mixed with a lot of Romance.
So, here’s a list of some mushy one liner, which, if said at the right time will make your relationship even sweeter.

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1. “You’re my enviable sight to look at.” Isn’t he your favorite person and the best sight you want to look at all the time? Say it!

Make Your Guy Blush with these Amazing One-Liners
2. “You don’t need car keys to drive me crazy.” Planning to go on a long drive with your man? Do not forget to use this one! Nail it!

Make Your Guy Blush with these Amazing One-Liners
3. “If you were a vegetable, you’d certainly be a cute-cumber.” This is one of the witty ones to use. He’s certainly going to laugh over this one!

Make Your Guy Blush with these Amazing One-LinersAlso Read: 7 Amazing Reasons Why You Should Date A Leo Woman

4. “You know what would look good on Me? You.” This one sounds a little corny and horny both! Time to get a little jazzy!

Make Your Guy Blush with these Amazing One-Liners
5. “You look cold. Shall I be your blanket?” For all those cozy winter nights when getting out of the bed is just not possible, snuggle a bit.

Make Your Guy Blush with these Amazing One-LinersMust Read: 6 Types Of Guys Every Girl Need To Be Cautious Of And Avoid

6. “No word in the dictionary can describe my love for you.” This one is sure to make him feel those butterflies in his belly. Game of Words!

Make Your Guy Blush with these Amazing One-Liners

And the All-Time-Favorite,

7. “You would be in jail, if being sexy was a crime.” Make your boyfriend feel hot and sexy with this hilarious pickup line. Give his ego a boost!

Make Your Guy Blush with these Amazing One-Liners

With these romantic one-liners, keep the flames of your love alive. After all, even your boyfriend needs some sweetness and cheesiness in order to keep the relationship electrifying.
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Day 2 Answers:
1. 15%
2. Girlfriend and wife
3. The usual method is to cuff the existing hand to the rear, and then put the other cuff through the prisoner’s belt. If they don’t have a belt, it’s preferable to use a belly chain. In an extreme situation where you needed to immobilize someone briefly, you could cuff the existing wrist to the prisoner’s ankle.