Vaseline has been in use for the past 150 years and adds to the basics of our beauty classics. We come across wide range of beauty products for different purposes. Among such an endless variety of products, how can we forget the classics? Petroleum jelly acts a miracle to beautify and keep your skin alive. We often ignore this wonderful product and forget about its surprising hacks.
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Watch out for these cool ways to use Vaseline (Petroleum jelly) in your everyday routine
1.Cracked cuticles
Petroleum jelly soothes the cracked cuticles and prevents any furthering cracking due to harsh weather conditions.

2. Lip balm
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Say bye to flaky lips! Apply Vaseline and get soft, smooth lips. It works wonders for dry lips. Apply a coat of Vaseline before you apply lipstick and get lustrous lips.

3. Earring aid
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Vaseline helps in earring insertion. Some of us have problems wearing and taking off the earrings. For some wearing earring causes dryness and infection. Vaseline helps prevent such problems. Rub Vaseline on the ear lobes before you wear earrings.

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4. Highlight them face features!
Vaseline jelly helps in highlighting your cheekbones, nose and brows etc. dab a little to give it a shine and for a dewy finish.

5. Heels sunburns
Vaseline gives you relief from the redness and pain because of the sun burn.
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6. Mascara alternative
If you don’t own mascara but want long shinny lashes, apply Vaseline. It is also said that Vaseline helps in conditioning the lashes and helps in their growth as well.

7. Scrub it!
Vaseline helps in exfoliating your skin. Add sea salt or sugar to your jelly. Use it as a scrub and see how wonderfully it keeps your skin hydrated and exfoliated.

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