Love, attractions, crushes, confessions are really beautiful but what if you are shy so don’t worry there are ways to get the guy. It is always said that opposite attracts. Like you are a shy girl but madly like a guy and afraid to tell him. Read these amazing ways through which you can get the guy you like.
Here Are 10 Amazing Ways To Get The Guy
Even If You Are Really Shy
1. Confidence
Confidence attracts guys quickly. Shyness and confidence both are contradictory to each other. While talking to him you have to be confident and clear. Men always like a confident woman. Even while walking with him be confident and if you want to hold his hand, go for it. Take the first step don’t wait for him to take the first step.
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2. Dress classy
A guy attracts towards you through your looks first so it is really important to look classy. A date does not mean a candle light dinner or drinks. A date can be a long walk, lots of talking so it is not important to look classy. Wear your favorite dress that suits you the best. Remember you have to look different from others so he just can’t move his eyes away from you. A good pair of heels which makes you feel comfortable while walking.
3. Hair
Hairs are the most beautiful thing on girls which makes her look like a princess. So hair should be properly brushed. It is said that guys like a girl with good hair. Your hairstyle should suit your dress and they should smell nice.

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4. Accessories
Jewelry makes a girl look more beautiful it can be a simple pair of earrings, a classy necklace, a bracelet, a watch but keep in mind they all should suit your dress and your look. Do not wear too much heavy jewelry.
5. Makeup
If you are going for a makeup then it should be very light a simple eyeliner, kajal, lipstick, or a gloss is all you need. Do not wear too much makeup. Guys usually go for simplicity, your true natural beauty is all you need. He should like you, not your makeup.
6. Smile
While talking with him show interest and pay attention what’s he’s talking about and throughout the conversation wear a smile which can make him fall for you. So girls Good luck you never know who is falling for your smile.
6. Share Thoughts
Sharing thoughts can create a good bonding between both of you. A good bonding can create a good relationship which can last long . Sharing thoughts means hobbies, interest, and understanding. Do not talk about everything at once otherwise, he will lose interest in you.
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8. Eye Contact
Eye contact is most important it makes him feel that you are really listening to him and having an interest in his talks. Doesn’t matter if he’s talking about bikes, games. Show interest, be supportive.
9. Attitude
Your attitude matters a lot. Do not get to too much Frank, be polite, be humble if you don’t like something just tell him politely. Do not show too much aggressiveness towards something. Because it will show your attitude towards the different situation. And how you handle them in your life.
10. Be Yourself
Last but not the least be Yourself. A person should like you for what you are, not what you pretend to be. Because later it will create a problem for you. So girls good luck and go ahead find your guy.
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