Coconut oil has been an extremely important product in our life with its endless variety of uses and benefits that it offers. Coconut oil is being used for health benefits, beautify skin or for cooking, the list is endless. With a wide array of benefits it offers, coconut oil does wonders in our life. With its wide variety of implications, coconut tree can be termed as the ‘tree of life’. So let’s find out the benefits and uses of coconut oil.
Here is a list of a variety of uses of coconut oil
that can bring miracles to your life
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1. Hair Conditioner
Coconut oil has nourishing properties that serves as the one the best conditioners. You can apply it by heating the oil a little, as a hair mask or combine it with other ingredients to add extra nourishment to your scalp and hair.

2. Body Moisturizer
For toddlers to adults, coconut oil is the best natural moisturizer for the skin. It nourishes the skin and its antioxidant properties prevents rashes and skin irritation.
3. Make Up Remover
Dab a little coconut oil on the cotton and gently take off the makeup. Slightly clean your eyelids, under eye area and the lipstick. Coconut oil as a make remover is way above the chemical makeup removers and does not cause any kind of irritation in the eyes or the skin. The added benefit is, it keeps your skin and the under eye area hydrated.

4. Dark Circles
Coconut oil helps heal dark circles to give you hydrated, bright and less puffy eyes. Apply coconut oil under your eyes before going to sleep and wait for the surprising results.
5. Furniture Polish
Coconut oil can be used as an excellent polish for giving a shinny finish to your furniture. It helps to heal and clean the scratches and the dull finish of many materials like granite, wood etc.
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6. Shoe Shiner
Coconut oil helps in adding the lost shine to your leather shoes and patent heels. Dab little coconut oil on the shoes to bring back the shine and poise to your footwear.
7. Removing Acne
The acne kills everyone and we look for ways to remove it for a smooth and glowing skin. Coconut oil has anti bacterial properties that fight the bacteria that cause acne. You can add honey to the oil for effective results.

8. Wound Care
The antibacterial and antifugal properties of the coconut oil help to heal wounds and scratches. It serves as a natural aiding kit.

9. Soothes Sore Throat
Coconut oil helps in healing the sore throat and acts as a wonderful soothing agent. Swallow ½- 1 teaspoon up to three times daily especially one of them being before going to the bed for providing relief to the throat.
10. For Cooking
Coconut oil is one of the best oils for cooking as it doesn’t break down at high temperatures. It has amazing nutritional properties and is great for stir frying, baking goods and cooking eggs etc.
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Use coconut oil and see the difference in your lifestyle instantly.