The allure of re-igniting that lost flame sometimes overcomes us, we want to relive the past. But the idea is almost always, okay scratch that, always a very very bad idea. It’s like you decided to throw out something that was starting to stink but later go and pick it from the trash can. Disgusting, right? Something must have happened for the relationship to end, for “the one” to become “the one pain-in-the-ass.”
But sometimes we throw logic out of the window, and do the stupid (but it feels hot as hell, right?) So here I am breaking the damn window and slamming the logic in your face:
1. Your May “Re-Love” Him
Yeah, hooking up with him may do that and would hurt more than the break up with him did if he is in for nothing but a one-night stand. Totally a win-win situation for him and you end up being the sour loser.

2. You’re Sucked Back In The Hell-Hole
As I said, there is gotta be a reason for the relationship not working. Having sex with an ex, well, the heady passion may make you forget all those reasons and get in a relationship with him again. What we forget is, he is still the same and the problems still, do exist.

3. You’re Literally Stuck
You are still engaged with your past, and sweety you can’t move forward until you let that go. Your ex is like a super-magnet which hinders any progress. It is a roadblock to you meeting anyone else.

4. He Is Still An Asshole
Come-on, once a jerk always a jerk, you know that. Once you’re done hooking up, you’ll regret your decision as his “awesome personality” has apparently remained unchanged.

5. Sort Of Together But Not Really
This is not the status you want in your life. You’re dating, or are you single?

6. Drama Ensues
We think we’re mature, we can have casual sex without any lingering emotions. Well, in most cases than not, either of the two still harbors feelings for the other and the “hooking-up” just serves to notch up the drama.

7. Because Really It Is A Waste Of Time
You, ahmm, get to “refresh” the old memories, and that is not awesome, yes! it’s not. You both are not going to have a future, you’re aware of that. Go get someone with whom who can envision one with, you lazy ass.

These are the reasons that puncture the brief and sweet respite of hooking up with your ex, and I am sure you were already aware of it but just choose to ignore the honest little voice in your head.